Business For Biodiversity Ireland (BFBI) has released our Nature Strategy Accelerator Programme to guide Irish businesses to develop a strong, credible strategy to identify their impacts and dependencies on nature and ensure compliance with the new EU legislation regarding environmental reporting.
The Nature Strategy Accelerator Programme has been developed following a series of insightful sessions with the European Business and Biodiversity Platform and other national platforms, and reflects a model of best practice in line with current international developments, tailored to the Irish context and aligned with grants available in Ireland through Local Enterprise Offices, Enterprise Ireland, Údarás or the IDA.
All new and existing Business For Biodiversity Ireland members can avail of the introductory Discovery Track for free, with access to guidance and webinars to bring them up to speed on their relationship to biodiversity. All are invited to join the upcoming lunchtime learning session on November 14, 2024 in which BFBI Executive Director Lucy Gaffney will explain more about how BFBI will help you to build the business case for biodiversity internally, plus how to access grant funding for biodiversity initiatives.
The Discovery Track offers:
- Three biodiversity-focused training webinars throughout the year
- Guidance on how to start your nature-positive journey
- Curated videos and online training resources to help you on your way
- A quarterly newsletter with details of upcoming biodiversity-focused events
- Updates on EU regulations such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
BFBI Chair of the Board Susan Rossney, Sustainability Advocacy Manager of Chartered Accountants Ireland, urged all businesses to join up and start their journey, as time is of the essesnce to ensure a sustainable ‘Nature Positive’ future for the Irish economy. She said: “A whole-of-society approach is needed to deliver a nature-positive economy – an economy that results in increasing levels of nature over time and that no longer incentivises the overexploitation of nature. Nature provides a third of the climate mitigation potential we need to achieve our climate goals, so delivering a nature-positive economy is imperative for reaching our climate targets.
“A nature-positive economy is similarly vital to our long-term economic resilience: 55% of the world’s GDP is moderately or highly dependent on nature. Despite this, many businesses are unaware of their dependence on and impact on biodiversity, a risk made all the greater now that larger companies are legally bound to disclose information on their environmental impact via the CSRD.
“As the pivotal UN Biodiversity Conference ‘COP16’ takes place to address the global biodiversity crisis, and as the World Wildlife Foundation’s Living Planet Report tells us of 73% average decline in wildlife populations over the last 50 years, it is a fitting time for Business for Biodiversity Ireland to launch our Nature Strategy Accelerator Programme. With a mandate under the 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan, BFBI has built a powerful profile advocating for nature-positive business. This programme will empower businesses to deliver positive outcomes for people, planet and nature.”
Explore the benefits of our new Discovery Track and let Business: How it all works
Register now to join the lunchtime webinar on November 14, 2024.