Tag Archive for: Trinity College Dublin

Business For Biodiversity Ireland is delighted to announce the appointment of a new Board of Directors to guide and inform our work to ensure Irish businesses are ready to join the global push for a transition to a nature-positive economy.

With a climate and biodiversity emergency declared by the Government in 2019, the BFBI platform was seed-funded by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in 2021, in recognition of the urgent need for Irish businesses to address their impacts and dependencies on nature. The platform has now developed the Nature Strategy Accelerator Programme to get businesses on track to a nature-positive way of working with up to date guidance on emerging sustainability frameworks and comply with EU directives on environmental reporting.

New Board Chair Susan Rossney, Sustainability Advocacy Manager with the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ireland, said: “A nature-positive economy is vital to our long-term economic resilience – 55% of the world’s GDP is moderately or highly dependent on nature. Despite this, many businesses are unaware of their dependence on and impact on biodiversity, a risk made all the greater now that larger companies are legally bound to disclose information on their environmental impact via the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive or CSRD.”

The BFBI Board of Directors also includes:

– Secretary Lisa Davidson, experienced finance and banking professional

– Vice President for Biodiversity and Climate Action and ecology professor at Trinity College Dublin, Jane Stout

– Dr Catherine Farrell, former Bord na Mona ecologist, now Trinity Professor and pioneer of innovative environmental projects including ReFarm and Natural Capital Ireland

– Ken Whitelaw, Sustainability Manager of IDA Ireland

– Asst Prof Kirstie McAdoo of University College Dublin, formerly Airfield Estate

– world-leading biodiversity consultant Edward Pollard, director of the UK Business and Biodiversity Forum, a specialist in demystifying nature for business.

Welcoming the new Board, Executive Director Lucy Gaffney said: “We are thrilled to have such an accomplished team of experts with a wealth of knowledge and experience in business, sustainability and nature restoration.”

Meet the Business For Biodiversity Ireland Board HERE.

Want a deeper understanding of your business’ impacts and dependencies on nature? Wondering where to start with nature-related disclosures? Lost in a fog of TNFD / GRI / EFRAG / CRSD alphabet soup? Keen to develop a roadmap to Nature Positive for your business but don’t know where to start?

Business For Biodiversity Ireland is participating in the development of a new module with Trinity College Dublin’s Dr Catherine Farrell titled ‘The Business of Nature Positive’ and are inviting businesses who would be interested and willing to:

  • participate in Trinity Business School undergraduate / student-led research to trial the application of nature-related reporting frameworks and tools, and
  • explore ways to develop a roadmap to Nature Positive.

Businesses rely on many aspects of nature and climate to carry out day-to-day business. Recognising these dependencies, as well as the impacts of business on nature, new reporting requirements under the new EU Corporate Social and Responsibility Directive (CSRD), will fast become a reality for Irish businesses.

In response to the need to build capacity for present and future business needs, Trinity Business School is developing this module to be delivered to 4th year undergraduates in the 2024/2025 academic year and facilitate learning in how to apply and communicate relevant nature-related reporting and disclosure frameworks for businesses, helping to identify steps to nature positive and through these processes assist businesses to integrate nature into decision making.

We expect the input from the business to be by a nominated staff member / sustainability business champion working directly with the TCD students. We expect the work to involve at minimum approximately 8-10 hours in total over a period of 4 months (largely between December and mid-April 2025 – download a breakdown of time and commitment expected via the PDF at the end of the article.)

As a participating business, through engagement in this process, you will have opportunities to:

  • Benefit by receiving bespoke support in kickstarting scoping for a materiality assessment for your business
  • Assistance in taking the first steps in identifying data available / potential data needs for nature related reporting
  • Develop a deeper understanding of your business’ impacts and dependencies on nature,
  • Begin the thought process as to how to develop a roadmap for nature positive for your
    business, and
  • Trial approaches / identify opportunities for communicating nature related issues to
    stakeholders (internal and external).

Once we have an overview of interested businesses (small or large, of any sector), the module coordinator will follow up with a questionnaire to determine your suitability in terms of logistics and availability.

NB: Please submit an expression of interest form HERE.

This call for Expressions of Interest will close in early July.


Calling all Irish businesses! Irish and European policy is moving us all toward nature-positive business models and we want to make sure Irish businesses have all the support they need to comply. This short survey will help you to identify the skills, knowledge and competencies that may not yet be represented in your business. 

The results of the survey will allow us to make recommendations to the Skills and Labour Market Research Unit and other relevant entities to ensure the creation of robust interdisciplinary training and educational options to help businesses meet new nature-related reporting responsibilities and accelerate Ireland’s transition to a nature-positive economy.

In partnership with Trinity College Dublin and National Parks and Wildlife Service, this skills gap survey will support Ireland’s National Biodiversity Action Plan (NBAP) 2023-2030.

Please take the survey here – SURVEY LINK