Tag Archive for: Nature Positive Forum

Business For Biodiversity Ireland is pleased to announce that we are joining the Nature Positive Forum.

We are committed to helping secure a nature-positive world – one where there is more biodiversity in 2030 than there was compared to the 2020 baseline – no mean feat considering the rate at which our biodiversity is being degraded and destroyed by human activity and its effect on climate change.

The purpose of the Nature Positive Initiative is to stimulate and support the world in addressing the accelerating biodiversity crisis by meeting the crucial goal of “halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030 from a 2020 baseline and to set the path for full recovery of nature by 2050″. 

The purpose of the Nature Positive Forum is to mobilise a global community, and is open to all relevant institutions, organisations and companies who:

● Commit to upholding the “Global Goal for Nature – Nature Positive“.

● Actively contribute to the Initiative’s goal and objectives in their own activities, and
contribute to and promote its guidance and positions

Read more about Nature Positive Initiative here.
Find out about the Nature Positive Forum here.